72×30 inch Rectangular Restaurant Copper Table Top
starting at $605
Many Custom Options are available
We had this copper table top made with our logo and the four standard borders to show off what we can do for you. This is a 30 by 24 with size 2 corners.
Standard Sizes to Allow Combining Tables
Line them up for Large Parties
These copper table tops can be fit to all restaurant layouts. We also make custom sizes to perfectly optimize the layout of your restaurant. (Our largest table thus far has been 21 feet long, but we can’t wait to get your order for the fifty foot one!) The copper tables designed at CopperRestaurantTables.com are high in style – unique, beautiful, and easy to care for. The standard tables are made of hand-hammered 20 gauge copper wrapped over a particle board or plywood substrate. Cross pieces are added to the bottom for further reinforcement. Each table has 1.5″ to 2.5″ depth, depending on size of the table top, with hand-hammered edges. Corners can be rounded or 90 degrees. We recommend rounded for restaurants.
We do the Quality Control Ourselves
Americans who speak Spanish to get your order right
EACH TABLE IS PERSONALLY INSPECTED BY US, the owners. We do not recommend using our tables outdoors without shade protection because they become quite hot out in the sun. Please remember that should you want table top size changes that are slightly larger or smaller than our standard sizes, we can make them for you. The price will be close to the standard prices that you see listed – e.g. a 41 inch will be slightly more expensive than a 40 inch. Prices shown do not include crating and shipping, but we can quote this part quickly, and will work to make this as economical as possible. You can speak directly with us about our products. Call us (256) 283-6496.
WE can place your Logo on every copper restaurant table top or create SOMETHING custom just for you
we made this copper gate emblem in the beautiful shape of the linked vineyards logo
Linked Vineyards contacted us about making this logo for their gate. Upon request we would love to send you more photos of this gate and the logo on it. They have fantastic wines.