Custom Copper Tables and Tap Handles for Microbrewery

Comet Brews Ltd. in Littleton Colorado
Brian Wilke the owner of Comet Brews ordered custom copper table tops with the logo of Comet Brews hand hammered as a motif into the center of each top. He also ordered restaurant table bases to go with each copper table top. Months later he ordered a bunch of copper tap handles with his logo hand hammered on each because he was so impressed with our “the quality of the craftmanship of the table tops.”
Stop by Comet Brews in Littleton Colorado to see the custom copper tables and tap handles for microbrewery and enjoy a pint of incredible micro brew!
Copper is a great material to enhance the atmosphere of your micro brewery.
Custom products to meet your needs. Using CAD or scale drawings we have worked with builders, contractors, designers, architects, do it yourself, diy, owners and interior designers to fabricate each and every possible material or surface from copper for a wide variety of bars and pubs including microbreweries.